Bill Maher, host of “Real Time,” blasted Republican Florida Governor. Ron DeSantis was “demagogic” about the education issue, but Maher also criticized Democrats for not being serious about the ongoing debate in schools all over the country.

Maher opened the panel discussion by talking about the “sadest story” of Disney. He was initially attacked by the Left for not resisting the GOP-backed legislation Florida that prohibited instruction in sexual orientation and gender identity pre-kindergarten through third grade. The House of Mouse is now being attacked by conservatives for getting involved in the political battle.

He claimed that he “doesn’t care about Disney” and pointed out that “they fired me once so I have every reason not to hate them.” This was in reference to his 2002 firing as host of ABC’s late-night show “Politically Incorrect.”

“But they don’t have to be hated!” They are my worst enemy! They live in a country where everything is never enough,” Maher stated. “I mean, at the beginning… Disney didn’t say anything. “We’re just we make fairies, elves, riding on teacups,” until they got all the s— from left. They were always one of the most LGBT-friendly companies in the entire world. DeSantis is now demagogueing the situation, but he wants them to lose their Vatican status. They just want people to drink from the teacup!

Caitlin Flanagan, Atlantic staff writer, told Maher that she hates Disney now and said they should “believe” in something and have a backbone. Mary Katharine Ham, a conservative commentator, suggested that neutrality might be the key to these big cultural war issues.

Maher stated, “But it depends on whether there is really something going on at the schools that has never been going on there before and perhaps shouldn’t be.”

The HBO star pointed out the 41% of math textbooks removed from Florida’s education system because they allegedly contained inappropriate material, such as promoting critical race theory. The Florida Department of Education published four examples of content found in the textbooks on Friday. Maher found three of these to be “nothing but burgers.”

The fourth example is bar graphs that measure “racial prejudice” based on age groups and political affiliations.

“Why use this ?… What about ‘A train leaves Chicago …?'”?’?” Maher was curious.

Flanagan lamented the fact that children are “deeply under-educated” and urged the public education system to prioritize teaching about social justice. Ham, on the other hand, stressed the need for COVID lockdowns which kept many students out of the classroom for over a year. This will lead to a “bigger problem than we even know.”

“And I think DeSantis kind of earned some credibility on the issue education because he kept schools open. Ham stated that DeSantis has the freedom to get into these arguments because his parents have confidence in him. There is a problem. This is what Youngkin was elected to in Virginia based on.

“Look, there’s a lot of freedom in curriculum. You can do some woke stuff and still keep the school going. I’m teaching my children to read it. Ham said that if you close it for a year, and make me zoom-butler to my child, and I’m part the curriculum, you can’t tell me how to shut down about the curriculum.

Maher said later that “And just so I’m clear, this isn’t typical.” They chose 41 percent of the books, and have four examples. This was the most outrageous of all the examples. But it exists! It’s real! It is real!

“I believe DeSantis is demagogueing this issue because he thinks that this is a great opportunity to be the candidate for 2024 by ‘owning’ the libs on gays and children and Pluto and Goofy f—ing one another or whatever insanity it is they’re going through – but I also think textbooks were written by a specific type of person.”

“What kind of people?” Flanagan asked.

“The kind that would put some bulls—like that in a mathematics book!” Flanagan quickly agreed with Maher, stating that “extremely leftist teacher’s unions” are more inclined to purchase such books for schools.

“And as with public health there is a loss in trust and it’s a good play for the police to pursue these mad parents. They are mad because of a reason, so it will work. Ham said that they won’t be told there is anything wrong here and will instead be gaslit.