Democrats have made wild statements about their plans for the future, with “abortion rights” taking center stage after a leak indicated that the Supreme Court was ready to uphold Roe v. Wade.

On Tuesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren looked like she had a stroke and gyrated around, praising how she would “fight” Roe’s probable Supreme Court decision. Rep. Cori Bush, however, declared that Congress should “codify” abortion rights and that government should make pro-lifers pay for them.

However, Democrats seem to have lost their way on the issue of codifying the right to kill babies while they are still in the womb into our laws. Senator Susan Collins has criticized Justice Samuel Alito’s leaky majority decision that overturned Roe. She cited a variety of issues.

I am constantly shocked at how stupid the current Democrat party is politically, especially under the guidance of Sen. Chuck Schumer and President Joe Biden. It is possible to write a bill Collins would support. Even though she is a Republican from Maine, Collins is a pro-abortion zealot. Instead of sitting down and discussing a narrow bill with her, Democrats went all “Leroy Jenkins” once again, not even considering that they might lose the votes of others who might be on their side.

This was exactly what happened to the “Build Back Better” bill. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Silena were willing to give their party leaders and the president a trillion-dollar spending bill that ticked many liberal boxes. Democrats decided to go for the easy win and included pro-abortion legislation that upset Manchin, as well as tax increases that annoyed Sinema. They got nothing in the end. They didn’t learn any lessons, I suppose.

Collins correctly points out that the pro-Roe bill doesn’t even try to protect religious institutions against having to perform abortions in this case. This would be a simple fix but Democrats are too dependent on their far-left base to do so.

Collins deserves my respect, but I won’t give her much credit. Her position on abortion and overall cowardice in her role as a legislator are both pathetic to me. She’s not from a blue state, which is why I don’t spend too much time critiquing her. She’s evil in that sense. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, however, is a completely different story and should be removed from office.

It’s important to pay attention to the lack of political skills that current Democrat Party leaders possess. They had the chance to win multiple Republican votes in favor of a law codifying abortion, which would have been a PR victory. But they chose to do the bidding and omission of radicals. I will go one step further and say Joe Manchin will not vote for their bill. It might not get even 50 votes. This would be absurd considering the effort to end the filibuster. This whole spectacle is the Democrat’s version of “failure theatre.”