Pre-K-12 teachers were trained by the National Science Teaching Association to introduce gender ideology to their classrooms. They were also taught how to refer to students by their bodily functions in order to be a better intersex ally.

One slide shows that transgender people are more likely to see videos that include words like “people who have penises” and/or “people with vaginas”. However, this language is not inclusive of intersex people.

According to the video, you can identify and refer to others by their bodily functions, including “people who can become pregnant”, “people who can have other people pregnant” and “people at risk for testicular cancer.”

Teachers are also instructed to keep information from parents in case students reveal it to them.

“Sex is biological. It’s what a child was assigned at birth. It is not always accurate and doesn’t always match up with gender identity,” a footnote to the “Queer Your Classroom” slideshow states. This slideshow argues that gender does NOT equal sex. Gender is multifaceted and socially constructed. Gender identity refers to how you perceive yourself. Gender expression refers to how you display your gender to others. Gender attribution is the way other people perceive your gender.

The training gives teachers some tips on how to refer to their classrooms. It is important to not use the words “ladies and gentlemen” and “boys or girls”, but to call them something that doesn’t reinforce the binary.

The footnote states that “Supporting binary explicitly and implicitly denies any other than the binary existing” You wouldn’t tell students that they weren’t Black or Hispanic, even if they were both. You shouldn’t tell students that they are only limited by their choices.

It continues, “This language is restrictive and antiquated.” Alternatives are “lovelies”, “party people”, “kids”, and “folx.”

Some strategies for schools include getting rid traditions such as a prom queen and king, or observation of Mother’s Day/Father’s Day that is inclusive of all families/family structure.

The presenter explains how science teachers can inject ideology into their classrooms.

The presentation continues: “When we talk on the electromagnetic spectrum, I use the word spectrum’ to refer to the way that gender and sexuality can be considered a spectrum in order for students understand that there can only be one end but that all values can exist in between.” Kind of like a numberline.

The presenter mentions that part of certain projects involves “researching an LGBTQIA+ scientist, or other marginalized scientist, and talking about how their identity played into the work or their discovery,” rather than the merit of their research or contributions.

It continues, “You can talk about gender differences with chromosomes. Or talk about reproduction in an inclusive way that doesn’t require discussing reproductive organs and functions. You don’t have to say ‘all men/boys’ have a penis or ‘all girls have a vagina.’ That is false. It’s easy to make word problems heteronormative in math.