After receiving a report that an armed woman had entered the Trump International Hotel and Tower, a Chicago SWAT team raced to the scene.

According to police radio traffic, the woman entered the Chicago establishment at 11:15 a.m. She was overheard saying that she was tired of being abused and neglected by her husband.

The Trump International Hotel & Tower is a 98-story tower that offers a view of Lake Michigan.

After hours of negotiations, the woman finally gave up and was taken into custody

The situation was most likely domestic and had nothing in common with politics, even though the incident occurred less than 24 hours after President Trump was detained on 34 counts for codswallop. The incident was also not terror-related, according to police.

The woman was transported to the hospital and is currently being evaluated.

Chicago, like many large blue cities, has experienced an explosion in violence since the 2020 Riots to Honor Saint George Floyd.

Although the mainstream media was content to glorify George Floyd, many news outlets “forgot to” tell people that Floyd pointed a gun at a pregnant woman’s belly while her toddler watched.

Although the Windy City is not safe all year, it’s most dangerous in summer. The annual “Festival of Lead” in Chicago begins every Memorial Day weekend and ends on Labor Day.

Chicago has seen 578 shootings and 131 murders as of the writing of this article.

Chicago saw 3,620 perforations and 737 murders last year. This means that someone is ventilated once every 2.26 hours, and somebody is killed once every 11.56 hours.

All of these shootings took place despite Illinois’ strict gun laws. As if these useless laws weren’t enough, Illinois also enacted two additional gun laws on January 1, 2023.

Brandon Johnson is Chicago’s mayor-elect. It’s Lori Lightfoot with steroids. You can rent a TV in Chicago right now because Mr. Johnson believes that looting is okay.

While leftists will point out that nearly half of the guns that were recovered from Chicago crime scenes came from outside of Illinois, none have acknowledged that Chicago is home to most of those who use them. Guns don’t pull triggers; people do.

Gun-grabbing Marxists took advantage of last year’s horrific July 4th mass shooting at Highland Park, Illinois by a liberal to keep semiautomatic rifles away from law-abiding Americans.

The Safe T Act, also known as liberal bail reform, is spreading from Chicago to the rest of the state. Now would be a great time to get some guns while you still have the chance.