In his youth, Old Joe Biden was a tough guy, able to take on Corn Pop. He claims to have been in trouble with the law more than one time. No, it was nothing to do with Ashley Biden or Hunter Biden. According to Old Joe’s distorted memories, he was arrested at least two times for standing up for righteousness and justice. Sure, Joe. You’re in full charge of your administration.

Old Joe, and his handlers, once again demonstrated how up-to-date they are by putting on a show for a septuagenarian who has been with an average audience age of 72. The appearance of the superannuated fabulist on “The Howard Stern Show,” was so disastrous, that even CNN’s propagandists for the Biden regime ran a “Fact Check,” which they normally reserve only for Donald Trump and other patriots.

CNN pointed out that Biden has repeated this lie several times: “On Friday, ostensible President Biden repeated his familiar story of the time he was allegedly ‘arrested’ while trying to defend civil rights for black Americans. This story has to do with his sainted mom: “As he has done in the past,” Biden said, “while recounting what his mum supposedly told him while urging Barack Obama to accept his 2008 offer to become his running mate.” He said that his mother did not want him to turn down Barack Obama, who was running to be the first black President.

Remember when I told Joey not to go there, but you did? You were arrested for standing with a family of blacks on the porch? They brought you back to the police?

This is four “remembers”, three of which are from Biden’s mother and directed at the future President. Biden’s mother had to constantly remind him to remember certain things. Was he already suffering from memory problems as a teenager? Has his mother’s constant reminders of things to remember become so commonplace in his life as a senile octogenarian that it has colored the way he views the past and perpetuates his familiar lies?

This was just another Biden lie. CNN reports that “There’s no evidence Biden was ever arrested during a protest for civil rights, as The Washington Post found in 2022 when they investigated this claim — and Biden at least twice has told the story about his supposed attendance at this Delaware protest without mentioning an arrest, instead claiming the police took him home on that particular day.”

Old Joe told Oprah Winfrey a different version of his story during his non-campaign for 2020. He said the police took him home because they thought he’d get into trouble. However, he didn’t say that they arrested him. In this version, his mother doesn’t even remind him once to remember the incident.

Biden recalled that he had told her instead: “There were protestors and I told you to stay away from there. You went down, and the police took you back because you stood on the step next to the black family. You were with them. The police took you home because they thought that you would get into trouble.” In the old version, Biden responded to his mother with the same words as in this version: “Yeah Mom, I remember.”

CNN notes, “As both the Post and PolitiFact noted, Biden’s 2017 memoir contained an abbreviated story about his 2008 mother’s comments encouraging him to accept Obama’s running mate’s offer, but made no mention of the arrest.” A Biden biography does not mention that he was ever arrested for such a protest.

Outlaw Joe also has a fanciful story about his arrest. Biden claimed that in February 2020 he was arrested in South Africa when he tried to visit Nelson Mandela on Robbens Island: “I had a great honor to be arrested with our U.N. Ambassador on the streets in Soweto trying to get to see him there.” Biden had even the audacity a few weeks later to say that Mandela after he became president of South Africa and was released from prison, “came to Washington and visited my office.” He wrapped his arms around my neck and said “I want to thank you.” I asked, “What are you saying thank you for, Mr. President?” He replied, “You tried to visit me.” You were arrested for trying to see me.

Andrew Young, then the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, denied Biden’s claim: “There’s no way I was ever arrested in South Africa and I don’t think Joe was either.”

Biden has told countless lies, that it would take a book to list them all. This serial dishonesty has a motive that is always clear. Old Joe tries to impress and connect with his audience. He’s developed a habit of fabricating stories to do so. It’s because he wanted to be Polish, but he was a Puerto Rican black child.

Come on, man. In an age of almost universal dishonesty, we need more than ever the honesty of our leaders, even Old Joe, who is senescent and corrupt. That is a lot to ask.