Tyreek Hill only had to roll his window down or leave his vehicle when the police told him. He could not. He is, after all, a professional soccer player. He is exempt from all rules.

He is a famous and rich Black NFL player. The same players are criticizing the police, the USA, and capitalism while enjoying the lifestyles of the rich and well-known. The same athletes are the ones who complain about racism in police shootings, based on statistical disparities. Yet they are themselves the essence of statistical disparities. It is a canard that police are racists because they shoot Black men in proportionately greater percentages than the percentage of their population.

Black men also make up a higher proportion of professional athletes than the black population. It’s funny that nobody has ever claimed this is due to racism.

Hill claimed that he had been stopped because he is black. The civil rights lawyers are using this canard again. This is the civil rights equivalent of ambulance chasers. Hill’s car had a tint so thick that it was impossible to tell his race. He was told to roll down his window because of the tint. When the window was up, the officer couldn’t observe Hill’s movements.

When an officer conducts a vehicle stop on a heavily tinted car, his safety is put in question.

Here are some questions that the media, eager to create a racial scandal to gain more audience, did not ask.

What would have happened had Tyreek Hill rolled his window down several times as directed by the officer?

What would have happened had Tyreek Hill left the car despite being repeatedly told to do so, if he didn’t want to keep his window down?

Your average journalist is not aware of these simple facts.

Florida law requires that drivers roll down their windows when police try to pull them over. Cooperation with the police is essential to ensure everyone’s safety. The sanctimonious, supercilious American barista doesn’t care. Leftists, libertarians, and other sciolistic Leftists do not care about the safety and security of police officers. These Americans hate the police.

A prestigious survey is the General Social Survey of the National Opinion Research Center of the University of Chicago. The survey asks Americans whether they approve of police officers striking citizens who are assaulting them. In 2022, 20.6 percent of Americans said they would not approve of a police officer hitting a citizen with their fists if he was assaulting the officer. Imagine that one out of five Americans would not support police officers striking citizens, even if they were doing it to protect themselves.

Although I can’t prove it, most of these people I suspect are journalists, Black Lives Matter members, Antifa, and Cato Institute.

Where does it say that police officers are responsible for the proper conduct of their officers, and not the offenders?

Where does it say that offenders are not required to behave appropriately, to obey lawful orders, or to show respect to others?

Where does it say that the citizens are not required to submit to authority if they want to maintain social order?

Tyreek Hill, according to those who answer, “Nowhere in the book is this written nor should it,” is at fault.

The answer of “It’s written or it doesn’t need to be written” clearly shows that the person answering has a different view of what it means to be a citizen of a free nation, as well as a co-worker and neighbor, classmate, relative, spouse, friend, etc.

As a Philadelphia Police Officer, I worked in two neighborhoods: a Black high-crime neighborhood and a White working-class neighborhood with many “cop fighters.” I told the recalcitrants there were only two ways to do things – the easy and the hard. I told them that I preferred to do things the easy way. Then I would ask them which way they preferred.

Last year I proposed an experiment to a prestigious local university. I told them to role-play car stop scenarios based on real events. This is what we did at the academy. “Watch what happens.” They refused. It was the same experiment that I had proposed twenty years ago as a graduate in criminology. No one took up the challenge.

Minorities and the poor have already paid for White liberal pontificating and Black tort lawyers’ manipulation. They will move the crime wave from the minority communities to Whitebread suburbs, which are currently adorned with BLM yard signs.