There are many reasons for those of us who watch from a distance to be frustrated by the hurricane relief efforts being made in storm-ravaged Western North Carolina. Many of these moments are a reminder of the inherent goodness in Americans and a spirit of unity that hasn’t been seen since September 11, 2001. There are some — like the media, Kamala Biden and FEMA — who don’t find this story politically convenient, so they downplay the death toll.


Many brave stories demonstrate American decency and willingness to help their neighbors. This indomitable spirit is what defines our country. It lives on despite all the efforts made by the left to divide and pit citizens against one another. We can always be counted on to support each other and cheer each other on when the chips are down. This is the case for western North Carolina residents.


In an incredibly touching gesture, the marching band of Wake Forest University and NC State University played “Amazing Grace”, in honor of their western neighbors.





What a beautiful way to remember those who have lost their lives due to Hurricane Helene and to show support to those still fighting to save their lives. It’s a good reminder for those who feel forgotten by the government that they are not alone.


Second, it is great to see that two higher education institutions have put aside their rivalry and their woke ways to send out a message to the world of faith. This is something we don’t see nearly enough these days.


It was a great choice for the bands, too, to perform “Amazing Grace,” which is a hymn about God’s grace as well as the peace we feel when we know He’s always with us. It’s good to see that there are still a few college campuses with some common sense and decency.



Corporate media coverage in western North Carolina is not very positive. However, many good things are going on there. Many heroes and good stories have emerged from the devastation. Dolly Parton donated $1 million for relief efforts, while Elon Musk delivered Starlink systems to restore communication to storm-ravaged regions that had been cut off for over seven days.


Many other citizens have rented a truck and loaded it with supplies to deliver aid where it was most needed. Some walk up to 30 miles so that they can walk their daughter down her aisle on the big day.


All of this just proves that the saying holds today: America is great because she is good. There is a lot of good coming out of North Carolina.