There are shocking new revelations about the USCP officer who shot and killed Ashli Babybitt in 2021. According to a recent report, Lieutenant Michael Byrd who claimed to have saved ‘countless lives’ that day was paid tens and thousands of dollars by the taxpayers after the shooting. He even demanded money from a memorial account meant for the families of killed officers.


The report reveals Byrd’s long history of professional misconduct. After a House Oversight Subcommittee asked for more information, USCP said it couldn’t find any records relating to the officer’s disciplinary history. In one Internal Affairs investigation, he was found to have left his post in order to play cards.


Michael L. Byrd’s 2001 investigation was the first disciplinary case known to have been brought against the lieutenant, who, on January 6, 2021, crept out of his blind and shot Babbitt dead. This is the fourth disciplinary case since November 20.


Blaze News was told by a source who had detailed knowledge of the case that Byrd has been charged with abandoning his position, drinking and eating at his desk, and lying to investigators – a punishable offense. The source stated that it was one of three Byrd cases where records were not available when a House oversight committee requested them early in 2024.


Sources claim that surveillance footage proved Byrd’s alleged violation of protocol. He lied to investigators instead of confessing, which led to the recommendation to fire him. USCP administrators did not take any action.



Byrd was fired by the USCP’s disciplinary officer.


“They charge him with abandoning his post and eating, drinking, or doing both on duty,” said the source. The source said that they charged him with making false statements and recommended termination.


Capitol Police administration refused to fire Byrd despite the evidence and firing recommendations.


What is a better illustration of the Federal Government? Byrd was the subject of multiple disciplinary proceedings, at least one of which resulted in a termination recommendation. He was still working when he shot Ashli Babbitt in 2021. This leads me to my most disgusting revelation. Byrd received $36,000 in retention bonuses, while other officers received $3,000 for the same period. Byrd was reimbursed $21,000 for “security upgrades” at his Maryland home and Joint Base Andrews, for $35,000 between July 2021 and January 2022.


Byrd received $36,000 as an unrestricted bonus in 2021. Other Capitol Police officers each received about $3,000 in the same amount. Byrd received reimbursement for over $21,000 worth of security upgrades to his home in Prince George’s County.


According to Judicial Watch Inc., Capitol Police paid more than $35,000. They housed Byrd in the Joint Base Andrews military base from July 2021 to late January 2022. Byrd received Capitol Police dignitary security when he left for no reason. A source told Blaze News that this could cost up to $425 an hour.


Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, is the person who can help. The Speaker of the House, who sounded like a mobster, ordered that Byrd “be taken care of.” First, they thought of promoting him to a job that required a top-secret security clearance. USCP General Attorney Tad DiBiase (who will be in play again shortly) concluded that it was unlikely he could obtain one. Why? Byrd had not only serious financial problems but was also on the USCP’s “Lewis List,” which includes officers who have significant integrity and credibility issues that make them unreliable in criminal trials.


The story gets worse. Emails exchanged between DiBiase and Byrd show that despite receiving tens of thousands of dollars, other officers did not receive after January 6th. Byrd still wanted more. He even demanded money from the Memorial Fund for widows of officers who were killed.



Byrd was to receive a payment early on from the Capitol Police Officers Memorial Fund. This fund was created to honor fallen police officers and to support their survivors. Byrd was upset that the fund would be opened to include officers injured on January 6.


Byrd sent DiBiase an email at 8:47 pm on Nov. 16, 2021, saying that “what you proposed could take several months.” “We expected that this would be completed soon. You’re telling us that we need to wait until the rest of the department files claims, gets evaluated, and goes through the lengthy process.


Byrd wrote: “This is an outrageously unfair way to treat us. This was never presented to us this way. We’re now being lumped in with the rest of them. Wow! It’s disappointing that you did this, knowing we expect to receive funds shortly. So disappointing!”


DiBiase, in a response email sent a minute later was shocked by Byrd’s attitude.


DiBiase replied: “I am sorry that you are disappointed. I find this surprising since we’ve already given you $36,000 of unrestricted funds for retention. What does the rest of your department receive? $3,000 each. You are lumped with the other 90 officers who were injured that day. The Memorial Fund was established for the entire Department, not just one officer.”


Byrd went on to say that his wife had been “vividly disturbed” by the news. He also noted that he still hadn’t received permission to create a “GoFundMe”, to raise more money. Byrd, who was not injured in the incident on January 6, complained to DiBiase about how the fund had been opened to other officers. He described himself as “grouped with everyone else.”


He was eventually promoted to Captain in 2023, despite his questionable record and his decision to kill Babbitt. Byrd was a disturbed individual and should have been terminated long before he lifted his service pistol on January 6th. His turbulent history is a testimony to the corruption of the United States government and he represents the worst of bureaucracy.