Joe Biden is not making many friends as he leaves office.
Last Monday, soon-to-be former President Biden announced that the U.S. Navy would build two new nuclear supercarriers in the Gerald R. Ford Class. The USS William J. Clinton, and the USS George W. Bush.
Joe Biden, the president of the United States, announced on Monday that the nation’s two next aircraft carriers would bear the names George W. Bush & Bill Clinton. This bipartisan salute might irritate any future occupant of the White House.
In a recent announcement, the White House announced that the new nuclear-powered carriers would be officially named USS William J. Clinton, and USS George W. Bush when they begin service in mid-2030.
Biden said in the statement that he personally delivered the news to “Bill and George.”
The first ship could annoy President-elect Trump more, as President Clinton, before his two terms, was unfriendly to the military. He also cut military budgets during his presidency, claiming a “peace dividend.” George W. Bush served in uniform and, while he was a reservist during the Vietnam War, he never deployed to Southeast Asia.
The two new carriers form part of the total production of 10 vessels of this class.
The new Gerald R. Ford class carriers will be the last to join the fleet. They are larger and more capable than older Nimitz-class vessels that entered the fleet during the 1970s. The first of 10 Ford carriers was deployed from May 2023 until January 2022, including operations in the Mediterranean Sea.
Newer carriers are faster and require fewer crew members than older Nimitz vessels. This is due to the new technologies, easier software updates, and other automated features.
Since World War II, the aircraft carrier has been a key asset in the U.S. Navy’s force projection. In recent years there has been some discussion about carriers becoming obsolete due to advanced nuclear attack subs and hypersonic weapons, but they still make up a large part of the fleet.
But the question remains: Why now? Ships won’t be finished for a few years. What are the chances that a future carrier will be named “USS Donald J. Trump?” We suppose it depends on whether the name was given by Ron DeSantis, a future president, or JD Vance.
It’s a fact: the tradition of naming capital ships after former Presidents is a relatively new one. While we have a large number of former presidents after whom to name these vessels, it’s a bit questionable why we’d name a ship after someone who has no connection with the U.S. Navy. George H.W. Bush at least was a naval pilot, and Gerald R. Ford as well as Jimmy Carter had Navy experience on their resumes. Richard Nixon was the last president who served in the Navy before them.
Bill Clinton had no connection with the United States Armed Forces until he became president and commander-in-chief.
It’s probably time to reconsider this tradition. Many aircraft carriers have been given old and traditional names that are familiar names from history. It’s about time the U.S. Navy got another USS Enterprise.