HomeLatest NewsTrump Vows to Slash Funding for Schools Promoting Trans and CRT Agendas

Trump Vows to Slash Funding for Schools Promoting Trans and CRT Agendas

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Donald Trump, the once-and (increasingly probable) future president, promised on Tuesday to take immediate action to solve a long-overdue problem.

Trump promised to cut federal funding for schools that promote Critical Race Theory and transgender ideologies to children when he spoke to a crowd of supporters in Racine, Wisconsin.

Trump stated that he would sign an executive order on the first day of his presidency to reduce federal funding for schools that promote Critical Race Theory, Transgender Insanity and other inappropriate racial or sexual content, as well as political content, in our children’s lives.

He continued, “I won’t give a penny to any school with a mandate for a mask or vaccine.” And I’ll keep men away from Women’s Sports.

This is a commitment that must be kept. The public schools are more ideologically leftist training grounds than educational institutions, and they pose a serious threat to the mental health of our children.

Public schools, as I have covered extensively, are breeding grounds for transgenders and racial ideology. Teachers have tried to hide their activities, fearing that parents would act against them if found out.

Parents have removed entire school boards and replaced them with others after they discovered the radicalism that their children were exposed to. Parents have removed their children from the public schools system, choosing instead to homeschool or enroll them in private schools. Anti-public school sentiment has risen in red states such as Florida, leading Republican governors Ron DeSantis and others to offer assistance to parents who want to provide their children with a better education outside of the chaos.

A school district in California had to pay a teacher hundreds of thousands after she filed suit for refusing to play along with the leftist gender ideology game. The district loses money it could have used to educate the children, but instead they are more interested in pushing radical ideas and getting into trouble.

Two things will happen if Trump keeps his promise. First, I expect that many schools will comply with Trump’s day-one promise and remove anything remotely related to CRT or LGBT indoctrination. Some schools will fight back and use this as a statement of opposition against Trump. They will attempt to portray him as homophobic or bigoted because he told them that they couldn’t “help”, LGBTQ children. This will be similar to the reaction of the left to Ron DeSantis’s passage of the “Parental Right in Education” bill, which was “don’t mention gay”.

Some states, particularly red states, are likely to follow Florida’s lead and move more towards alternative forms of education, such as private or homeschooling. This will make it easier for parents who want to protect their children from the dangers public schools pose.

This will hopefully lead to a revolution in education. We’ll be able to replace the outdated, old model with something better, but that may still be a long way off.

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