Florida Gov. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R), signed Monday’s Parental Rights in Education Act into law. This Act expands parental oversight over their children’s education, and prohibits teaching gender identity or sexual orientation to kindergarten through third grade.

Hollywood and other leftists misrepresented the bill, which doesn’t mention the word “gay”, as the “don’t say gay” bill.

DeSantis stated at a press conference that “In Florida we not only know parents have the right to participate, but we insist that parents also have that right,”

The Sunshine State governor supported the bill in the face of leftist critics. He stated that most people had not read it and were encouraging “fake narratives.”

DeSantis stated that they support the sexualization of children in kindergarten and second-grade classrooms with woke gender ideology. They also support schools being able to “transition” students to a different gender without parental consent.

The press conference highlighted the story of Jeffrey and January Littlejohn, whose daughter was secretly being “transitioned” by her Tallahassee school district into a male gender identity — something that the new law prohibits. The school district is currently being sued by the Littlejohns.

January reached out to the school board after the Littlejohns’ daughter told them about a secret meeting where school officials asked her which bathroom she preferred. She was then informed that she was not legally entitled to any information concerning the meeting.

January stated that school officials had asked her permission to determine if my parental rights would still be respected.

Without parental consent or knowledge, the school developed a complete transition plan for Littlejohns’ daughter.

Leftists in the United States have reacted strongly to the parental rights bill.

The Walt Disney Company released a statement Monday morning, falsely identifying the bill as the “don’t say gay” bill. They claimed it “never ought to have passed and should not have been signed into legislation.”

Disney promised to support legal challenges to the law and said that they would work towards its repeal.