Philadelphia has seen a 600% increase in concealed carry permit applications as law-abiding residents react to violent crime with arming themselves.

An alleged robber was shot and killed by a concealed carry permit holder Wednesday lunchtime in a Philadelphia corner shop.

The NRA sent this tweet on March 31, 2022:

According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, concealed permit applications have increased by 600% in recent years.

PhillyMag noted that Philadelphia Police has simplified the application process.

The rise in violent crime in Philadelphia is no doubt a factor in the increase in applications. The new application process was implemented by the Philadelphia Police Department in 2021. You had to fill out a portion of the application at the Gun Permit Unit, East Erie Avenue. Then you had your fingerprints taken. Police removed the fingerprinting requirement in January 2021 (none other Pennsylvania counties have one according to Reilly). Instead, the entire application process was moved online. It’s easy.