We reported that all signs pointed to Nancy Pelosi’s big announcement today at noon Eastern. Speculation ranged from her stepping down from her leadership position within the House to her resigning from her Congressional seat, and her installing her daughter, Christine as her successor.

First, the good news: Nancy Pelosi confirmed that she will not be running for leadership in the new House session. She’s done. It’s all there. Sort of. Unfortunately, she will still be available as a “backbencher”, to guide the new leadership team.

The super-duper Catholic devout Catholic added:

Pelosi stated, “We must be bold in the future.” “Scripture teaches that there is a season for everything.”

Let’s face it, the House of Representatives has been long past due for a new season. If Democrats held the House, would Pelosi have made such bold moves? Possibly. The Dems have been the subject of a lot of activity since the election of the Republicans to the House. Pelosi, an octogenarian, didn’t seem to have the energy or will to resist the GOP’s torrent of investigations into Democrat scandals. Pelosi’s powers seem to have been greatly reduced in recent years as the ultra-liberal women of “The Squad”, outflanking them from the far left, appear to have diminished.

Unfortunately for the country, Hakeem Jeffries will be the presumed new leader of the House Democrats. He is Pelosi’s hand-picked successor and seems to be even more radical. The new speaker Kevin McCarthy will be busy and it is better for him to rally his troops in advance of the new Congress.

It’s time for celebration, however, The Pelosi Era has ended!