Chuck Todd, the host of NBC’s “MTP Now” on Friday, stated that whistleblowers’ claims about the handling the Hunter Biden probe “look pretty credible.” However, the claims — including revelations about Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China and his use of ties to President Joe Biden as leverage in dealings with China — “have nothing to do with China” and are only about what Hunter Biden has done with his businesses.
Todd said: “For a long time, I was not sure whether the whistleblowers were real. The second whistleblower, these transcripts. These seem pretty credible.”
NBC News Senior Capitol Hill correspondent Garrett Haake responded to the claim that “serious whistleblowers” “haven’t gotten a breathless treatment like some other, more fantastical allegations that have amounted less have received from Republican legislators.”
Todd cut in and said, “Yeah. This has nothing to with Ukraine. This doesn’t have anything to do with China? This is — it goes back to what he did with his business. Right?”
Haake replied, “Right. There’s some good old-fashioned, business malfeasance going on here. “Basically, they paid for flights for prostitutes while writing them off as a business expense.”