Let’s start with the truth of life. The American Democrat Party has the highest level of hypocrisy on earth. You already knew it, but this article will prove that fact.

When Texas Gov. Ron DeSantis began sending busloads of illegal immigrants to northern “sanctuary towns”, state and local Democrat leaders lost their ever-loving, hypocritical minds.

As more illegals began to make their way to cities such as New York City, Chicago, and Denver, something funny happened to the sanctuary city mindset: “We’ve got to get these illegals outta there!”

As first reported last Thursday by the Chicago Sun-Times, Democratic governors and mayoral candidates in affected areas are fighting over illegal immigrants being shipped back and forth.

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, the governor of Colorado, and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker have been particularly snarky. The Sun-Times reported:

“The Illinois governor [J.B. Pritzker ] said that, in the meantime, migrants were being sent to Denver, which was then sending them to Chicago, which Pritzker called ‘unhelpful.’ He said Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis told him, ‘We’re not telling people to go to Chicago. They’re just getting off the bus and saying they’d like to go to Chicago.’ I said, ‘Come on. That’s not the case. You know, you guys are buying tickets to Chicago.’ I said to him, ‘We can do the same thing back, and we’re not going to. This is not how we should be operating.’”

What a shame! Two Democrat Governors chasing each other like cats down the alley, over a crisis they were happy with — as long it remained on southern border states.

Pritzker aimed at NYC Mayor Eric Adams as well, calling him one of the most hypocritical people regarding illegal immigrants.

Since he’s close to all the mayors, I gave him a list. I told him, “Here is a list showing how many people were sent to Chicago.” You should contact each mayor starting with New York and tell them to stop.

Did you just spit the beverage you were drinking on your screen? I’ve got a better idea. Pritzker, how about you call Joe Biden to tell him “You have to stop that?”

The Sun-Times reached out to Lori Lightfoot, Chicago’s former disastrous Mayor — Brandon Johnson is the current disastrous Mayor — about illegal aliens being shipped from Colorado to Windy City. Lightfoot said to the paper:

He [Gov. Polis] did not stop until we publicly exposed him. We sent him a letter. We sent it to the media, and they said, “Oh, I am getting bad publicity.” I think it was one of the most crass forms of politics I have seen in a very long time.

Oh, please.

Polis may be “crass,” yet Lori Lightfoot, of all people, accusing someone of the “crassest kind of politics” is the height of hypocrisy.

Pritzker also told the Sun-Times he did not think that it was a big deal when illegals began arriving in Chicago.

I didn’t see it as a danger. I viewed the first bus as a stunt and didn’t think that 40,000 people would be arriving. How could you possibly know? They didn’t tell anyone.

Lightfoot called the illegal’s arrival “an ambush.” I wonder if Lightfoot understood the irony of the term.

We didn’t receive much information in those early days. We knew nothing about the numbers, people on these buses, their country of origin, their condition, or their medical needs. We got almost no information. It felt like an ambush. It felt like an ambush.

Hypocrisy is at its “best” when it comes to mind-numbing hypocrisy.


While Texas border towns such as El Paso and Eagle Pass, Arizona’s Tucson region, and El Paso in New Mexico are constantly plagued by hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, Illinois, Colorado, and New York Democrat politicians throw fits over a fraction the reality of southern border towns and cities.

The hypocrisy of the left is so deep that I find their whining amusing.