Michael Brown, a man of 6’4″ height, was shot on August 9, 2014. Brown was not a child. He was an adult. Brown was a man-child, a chubby, almost 300-pound man, who stole cigarillos moments earlier from a corner shop. He tried to “barter”. Brown traded marijuana for two boxes of cigarettes and a soda. Brown grabbed the boxes from the clerk’s hands when he balked. When the clerk resisted, Brown grabbed them.
There is no “dispute”, despite the claims of many media outlets. There is no evidence to suggest that Brown was the victim. Brown grappled with a police officer and, in a situation of life or death, attempted to remove the officer’s firearm. Brown punched the officer in his face. After that felony assault, Brown was ordered to stop and submit himself to arrest. He instead turned his 300-pound body toward Darren Wilson, clenching his fists, and charged him. Wilson and Brown had been engaged in a life-or-death struggle just a few minutes earlier. Wilson did not wait for Brown’s return to face him. Wilson killed Brown while Brown was charging at him.
Brown’s friend, claimed breathlessly that Brown held his hands up, saying “Don’t Shoot!” Dorian Johnson, Dorian Johnson’s friend of 22 years, told America that Brown had been executed.
Johnson said that Brown’s final moments were marked by “[Michael] putting his hands in the sky.” “He began to fall, but the policeman approached him with his gun drawn. He fired a few more shots. And my friend died.”
A photo of “Big Mike”, as a young child, was published in the media. A “boy” dressed in his cap and gown. The alternative was a picture of “Mikey”, wearing headphones, just “chillin’.” The next evening, America had caught fire. The fire was started by a vicious lie. All of it was a lie. Brown had robbed the store, and then he could have attempted to murder a police officer in his car. Brown then charged at the policeman he had tried to kill or beat. Ferguson, Missouri was swept by riots. The store that Brown had robbed, was looted mercilessly. Businesses in Ferguson were destroyed.
Barack Obama, who had said a few short years ago, “There’s no such thing as a black America, a white America, a Latino America, or an Asian America. There is only the United States of America,” has done what he does best. He stoked racial myths. He added, “It feels like it’s being applied in a discriminatory manner” to the narrative of “Big Mike”. A Grand Jury declined to indict three months later. Obama, the “healer,” however, said that anger is “understandable.”
Around two weeks after Brown’s death, Salon published an article of 2,000 words that was meant to “debunk myths” about Brown as the aggressor. Salon’s “debunking” of many things turned out to be accurate. The Grand Jury refused to charge Wilson. The shooting was justified. Several brave witnesses testified that Brown charged at Wilson as Wilson defended himself. Salon’s absurd article, which boosted the myth that Brown was innocent, received no “correction”. CNN hosts raised their hands in support of the myth. Even though “Hands Up Don’t Shoot”, the myth, was debunked by CNN as a flat-out lie, CNN published an opinion piece urging Republicans to embrace the “spirit”. It’s a lie. But embrace its “spirit.”
Michael Brown’s father-in-law, an ex-convict, called for even more violence. He said, “Burn her down.” More unrest followed. The DOJ, under the leadership of Eric Holder, a hyper-partisan race-baiter, conducted its investigation and found that Wilson had acted correctly.
Brown’s photos of him holding the store clerk as if he were a rag doll were not taken into consideration. Brown acting as a directionless bully and undoubtedly attacking the police officer should have put an end to Brown’s “just a black boy murdered” lies. But it didn’t
Two members of Congress marked the 28th anniversary of Michael Brown on May 20 like it was MLK Jr. Rep. Cori Bowman (D, NY), who is notorious for pulling the fire alarm in Congress to stop a voting session, revived the “innocent boy” myth of Brown and claimed that Brown would have been alive to celebrate his birthday at 28 but police violence took his life.
Mike Brown should be turning 28 today, but his life was taken by a Ferguson police officer.
In Mike’s honor and alongside his mother, Lezley McSpadden, I am reintroducing the Helping Families Heal Act, also known as the Mike Brown Bill. #HelpUsHeal pic.twitter.com/uVnSmSyODj
— Congresswoman Cori Bush (@RepCori) May 20, 2024
Bush tells a story in front of an image of Brown. He says that “we are left with the memory of what he was.” His life was taken.”
Today, Mike Brown would be 28. Instead, he was killed by a police officer at 18 years old.
I’m joining @RepCori to reintroduce the Helping Families Heal Act with Mike’s mom to secure mental health resources to communities harmed by police violence.
— Congressman Jamaal Bowman (@RepBowman) May 20, 2024
Bush and Bowman don’t seem to care if they perpetuate a blatantly false myth about Brown’s innocence. Bush and Bowman are viewed by most people as despicable race-hustlers. Bush and Bowman are only interested in spreading myths to get them reelected. Their talismans are racial hatred and division. Brown and George Floyd are their false gods.
Brown’s death was not “taken.” He lost his life by committing a crime and charging an armed police officer. Brown’s birthday is being celebrated and Brown being hailed as a pseudo-hero is a slap to the faces of honorable black women and men who bravely spoke out despite intimidation and threats to reveal the truth about the events that occurred on August 9, 2014 Not Michael Brown, but the black men and women who bravely spoke out against threats and intimidation to tell the truth about what happened on August 9, 2014, were heroes.