No matter the situation, cheating is still cheating. We now know that a scandal involving cheating has rocked the competitive world of hot dog eating. Aneeta Bhole and Chris Nesi of the New York Post have revealed this scandal in an exclusive article. It’s shocking.

Exclusively revealed by The Post, a competitor in Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog Eating Competition has collapsed under the weight of a cheating controversy and asked that his score be revised to remove the controversial weiners.

Nick Wehry was accused of using sleight-of-hand tricks to boost his score at the 4th of July competition and put himself amongst the sport’s elite competitors.

Wehry acknowledged the controversy but denied wrongdoing. “I’m distressed by the accusations of cheating that have surfaced. I repeat that I did NOT cheat in this event,” Wehry stated.

Major League Eating has asked me to reduce my score to 46.75 for hotdogs and buns because I touched another eater’s plate and this creates the appearance of possible impropriety. I am truly sorry that my actions raised any doubts about the outcome of the event.

Wehry ate 46.75 dogs during the 10 minutes allotted on competition day in Coney Island. His official score on the Major League Eating website was increased later to 51.75.

Cheating is not tolerated in such a competition. The winners can now enjoy their triumph, without any scandal.

Wehry may not have affected the rankings, but his cheating could have unfairly boosted him to a higher level in the competitive world of hot dogging.

According to a source involved in the competition, The Post, eating 50 hotdogs is considered a high-water mark that separates the everyday competitors from the top eaters. The inflated score didn’t improve Wehry’s standings but it did bump up his official score, which went from 46.75 points to 51.75. This put him in the top tier of the sport.

Sources claim that Wehry moved empty plates on the table of the competition after time had expired to add more plates to his stack. The judges count five hotdogs per plate to determine the official score, so adding one extra plate could be enough to boost his score.

It is difficult to tell how his co-eaters feel about his cheating and admission until they taste the meat of their competitors.

Competition can bring out both the best and worst in people. As we’ve seen, the desire to win at all costs can lead to serious mistakes. But it can also motivate people to excel and push themselves beyond their limits to get on the honor roll. We can only hope that Mr.Wehry will learn from his mistake, show more integrity, and not repeat it in the future.

And we can be pretty certain that Mr. Wehry’s wife, Miki Sudo, the winner of Nathan’s Famous women’s dog-eating contest, is giving him an earful over the whole thing.