For quite some time Dr. Anthony Fauci, Biden’s top medical advisor, told Americans they didn’t need to wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and then flipped his view to suggest wearing not only one, but two masks. He also insisted that everyone should wear a mask outdoors, even if they’ve been vaccinated. This has discouraged a lot of people from getting the vaccine since they would have to follow the same guidelines as those who decide not to get vaccinated.

While Dr. Fauci admits to changing the herd immunity goals based on what he “thought” people needed to hear and that the six-foot distancing was not based on “clear science,” his latest flip-flop on guidance suggest that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will relax the outdoor mask policies he once touted. The CDC has been scrutinized over the last few months for lacking scientific evidence regarding their guidance.

Dr. Fauci recently shared on ABC News’ “This Week” that the risk for people engaging in outdoor activities is “minuscule,” especially for vaccinated individuals.

“What I believe you’re going to be hearing, what the country is going to be hearing soon, is updated guidelines from the CDC. The CDC is a science-based organization. They don’t want to make any guidelines unless they look at the data and the data backs it up. But when you look around at the common sense situation, the risk is really low, especially if you’re vaccinated,” Dr. Fauci said.

Outdoor mask mandates were heavily criticized last October by Dr. Scott Atlas, one of the doctors on former President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 task force. He first called the government-mandated lockdowns “one of the biggest failures of the faces of public health in this country.”

Dr. Atlas also told people that adopting the goal and setting focus on “stopping COVID cases at all costs” is not the approach the country should take on handling the coronavirus pandemic and that it is a decision that recklessly disregards the harm it has on society and average Americans. He also found mask mandates to be completely contrary to rational thought and that they should only be used when you can’t social distance, expressing his frustrations over outdoor mask mandates.

“Why in the world would you wear a mask if you’re riding your bicycle all alone outside? Why in the world would you wear a mask if you’re in your own car driving? Why in the world would you wear a mask if you’re in the desert all alone?” Dr. Atlas questioned.

Dr. Atlas was banned from using Twitter in October until he deleted one the tweet he posted, which questioned the efficacy of masks. Youtube also removed an interview Dr. Atlas did where he discussed the government-mandated lockdowns and how they did more harm than good. YouTube said the video was allegedly violating its terms of service.

Dr. Fauci has also shared that it is “risky business” for states to lift mask mandates, even though the case counts and hospitalization rates in Florida and Texas continue to decline after lifting mandates. He says that the country is “headed towards normal” and that the federal government will soon update its guidance on mask-wearing in public.

All of Dr. Atlas’s claims that were once censored and scrutinized by the radical left are now coming to light as absolute truth. Lockdowns and mask mandates never followed any specific data or was backed by scientific evidence, it was just another power grab by the radical left and their “medical experts.”