It’s a wonder how CNN manages to stay on the air sometimes. CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner just announced on the network that private companies should start requiring workers to take the coronavirus vaccine. When host Erin Burnett asked Reiner what he thought about government officials begging Americans to get vaccinated, he said there should be a mandate in place.

“I do think it’s time to start mandating vaccines. And I think that private industry and private organizations will do that. Seventy-five million adults have chosen to not get vaccinated and that choice has consequences. Now, we can’t force you to take a jab in the arm but there are many jobs perhaps that can prevent you from working if you decide not to get vaccinated,” Reiner said, adding that the industry should “take the lead.”

Reiner brought up George Washington University, where he works and says you can’t be on campus unless you’re fully vaccinated and that we’re part of the pandemic.

Critics brought up the fact that some people have already gotten COVID-19 and are immune, adding that if people have confidence in the vaccine then they should not object to those who don’t partake. But government officials have continued to push the jab, with White House press secretary Jen Psaki and President Joe Biden announcing their efforts to vaccine more Americans at local levels by going door-to-door.

Democrats continue to move in a dangerous direction, wanting to govern by mandates and decrees. Reiner’s comments come after President Biden fell short of his Fourth of July goal in having 70% of U.S adults at least partially vaccinated. 67% of Americans over the age of 18 have received at least one dose.

The vaccine has not been fully authorized for use by the Food and Drug Administration and remains under emergency use authorization. This has made it difficult for businesses and schools to mandate the jab.

A California community college recently withdrew its planned COVID-19 vaccine mandate on a 5 to 3 vote by the San Joaquin Delta College board of trustees. The vote came nine days after they had voted for a vaccine mandate. Instead, school officials said they would use full social distancing guidelines and mask mandates. The College said they would strongly encourage faculty and staff to get their vaccine and included the details of the textbook incentive for getting the jab.

What’s incredible is that the only people the government should be encouraged to get the vaccine are the elderly and those with preexisting conditions. Even those have limits. But the so-called medical “experts” and public officials pushing the mandates seem to forget that those under 55 without underlying medical conditions have never had much risk of dying from COVID-19 anyway.

It’s time for everyone to realize that people should consult their own doctors about the vaccine and what is best for their individual needs. It is not the government’s place to dictate who should have it, let alone companies or colleges.