Although President Joe Biden has promised to nominate the first African-American woman to the Supreme Court in his campaign, he seems to have forgotten the two-year filibuster that he used to block the nomination of a black woman judge to America’s second-highest court.

In 2003 and 2005, Joe Biden was still a Democrat Senator from Delaware. President George W. Bush appointed Janice Rogers Brown as a U.S. Court of Appeals judge for the District of Columbia. Circuit, but because of her conservative views, Joe Biden, the Democrats and blocked a final vote on her nomination. Bush nominated Brown to the District of Columbia Circuit after she had served as a California Supreme Court justice since 1996. She was not confirmed until June 8, 2005. Newsweek has more information about her conservative legal views.

Brown was the daughter of Alabama sharecroppers. She grew up in the South with segregated parents. Brown’s college years were spent as a single mother, with views so left-leaning that she later claimed they were almost Maoist.

Over the years her views became more conservative. She has supported using electric stun guns to punish criminals who behave inappropriately in courtrooms. Brown wrote opinions against affirmative action. She also supported a law that required that girls under 18 years old notify their parents before they could have an abortion.

Janice Rogers Brown was thought to be a possible replacement for Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. But, that decision went to Samuel Alito. Joe Biden was not the only one who opposed her nomination to circuit court. He claimed that her political views prevented her from being an independent jurist.

Obama stated in 2005 that Justice Brown had shown that she was not only a judge with strong political views but also a political activist.

In 2017, Brown resigned from her position as a circuit judge.

Conservatives pointed out that President Biden, who had worked so hard to defeat Brown’s nomination, promised to nominate a black woman for the Supreme Court.

“He voted against her confirmation three times just to be a U.S. Circuit judge. This was not even to the Supreme Court. Race and gender are only relevant if you are considered a committed judicial activist or judicial leftist,” Fox News host Laura Ingraham stated last Wednesday.