Dems may challenge President Biden in 2024, as President Biden enters a difficult midterm election year. Many people believe that Nina Turner or Marianne Williamson might challenge President Biden.

An organization called “Occupy Biden” set up a camp near President Biden’s Delaware home demanding that he declare climate emergencies between December 25 and January 1. This spokesperson criticized President Biden for his inaction on climate change.

“We know that an administration that believes the climate crisis exists and affirms that it is is an asset.” Karen Igou, the spokesperson for Occupy Biden, told Fox News that in times of crisis, we have to act to prevent catastrophe.

Progressives are criticizing President Biden more frequently on issues like climate change and Build Back Better. Some are skeptical about any primary challenger to Biden. “I believe that Bernies and AOC are both disappointed that the deal wasn’t done by the end of the year. It’s obvious that they feel they have sold out. ”

Carter said that President Biden was in a difficult position because he must make concessions to the far left. Joe Manchin is also available to assist him. President Biden’s current approval rating of 43% is drawing criticism beyond Washington, D.C.

Lee Miringoff serves as the director at Marist Institute for Public Opinion. He said that President Biden’s inability communicates effectively about areas where his administration may be doing well is a serious problem.

Miringoff said that although the economy isn’t perfect, there are still areas where it is strong. Miringoff said that he believes it is possible for a Democrat to challenge President Biden. Miringoff said that it is unlikely that any big name will be involved.

Kevin Walling (Dem strategist and former Biden campaign surrogate), dismissed the notion of a progressive threat to President Biden in 2024. He said that Nina Turner and others wouldn’t succeed.

“With all due respect to Nina Turner, there was an explanation for her failure in her Democratic primary for Congress. Walling said that any talk about a possible primary challenge is premature. Walling stated this to put pressure on President Trump’s left flank. Walling said that President Biden is “in an excellent spot with an ear for re-election”.

Walling stated that Walling had achieved “major progress goals” in education and combating climate change. He also said Walling was able to pass the largest bipartisan infrastructure funding for decades.