Donald Trump, the former President of the United States, has endorsed J.D. Vance is a prominent national populist who is running for the Ohio Republican Senate Primary.

Trump released a Friday statement praising Vance, calling him “the most qualified” candidate to defeat Rep. Tim Ryan (D.OH), in the November midterm elections.

Trump stated, “We cannot play games.” Trump stated, “We can’t play games.”

“Like others, J.D. “Like others, J.D. Trump stated that Vance was our best hope of winning this extremely difficult race.

The Democrats will spend millions, but the good news is that they have a flawed presidential candidate who received zero percent of the vote in polls. We must win Ohio together with Republicans. [Emphasis added]

It is hard for me to endorse this candidate because I like and respect some of them. They have spoken highly of Trump and they love Ohio just as much as me. J.D. J.D. I have carefully studied the race. J.D. J.D. This is dangerous, as they will have many dollars to spend. [Emphasis added]

However, J.D. J.D. J.D. He is able to use Taxes and Tariffs to hold China accountable. He will also fight to end Big Tech. J.D. J.D. J.D. Vance gives Ohio brains and brawn. Ohio has been very kind to me. It was my second win and it was very big. Ohio has also been a great place to be. Let’s keep the momentum alive! [Emphasis added]

Trump stated that Trump voters should unite behind J.D.

“In other words J.D. “In other words J.D. He will not let you down.

Trump Jr. stated that he is “convinced that Vance is 100 percent America First” in regard to issues facing Americans.

Trump Jr. stated that the leftwing media, Dems and weak RINOs all hate him because he supports #MAGA. Trump Jr. wrote that Trump Jr. is “the real deal folks, that’s why my dad and I both support him!” !”

Vance has set out a bold agenda. He is campaigning for the end of welfare for illegal immigrants, reducing legal immigration levels, and imposing severe tariffs on China-made products.