Politico published a draft that showed Roe v. Wade being overturned. It caused a seismic reaction in the political world. According to Politico, at least five justices signed the majority opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito. However, nothing is final until it’s complete.
That’s what the leak is all about. This is a serious breach of the court (and reportedly an illegal one) and was likely done by one of the leftwing justices. The intention was to force one of those five to vote differently. Despite all the talk about norms and respecting our governance system, the left has decided that nothing matters now that they don’t like something.
They are ready to take down the Supreme Court because of this decision. The calls are hot and heavy. What else will they do to stop things from going their way?
Monday evening was a preview of what was to come as protesters gathered outside the Supreme Court building. The scenes were wild and the rhetoric used should concern everyone about where it is headed.
Crowd of protesters is growing quickly, and pushing toward the barricade that the handful of guards put up earlier tonight. Chants of “fascist scum have got to go,” interspersed with the names of the conservative justices pic.twitter.com/2OHtE2pLuy
— Nate Hochman (@njhochman) May 3, 2022
Parts of the pro-abortion crowd at the Supreme Court calling a couple of pro-lifers “assholes” and screaming at them to “fucking leave” and chanting “get a vasectomy” etc. etc. etc. pic.twitter.com/sogyOSMXkw
— Jerry Dunleavy (@JerryDunleavy) May 3, 2022
HAPPENING: A large crowd in front of the SCOTUS chants, “We will not go back.”
— Election Wizard 🇺🇸 (@ElectionWiz) May 3, 2022
If you didn’t notice, the left hates “fascism.” A duly appointed and constitutionally enshrined federal branch simply returns the decision-making about abortion to the state. It’s like Hitler or something. How? The left doesn’t get around to explaining it, but they’ve seen “Handmaid’s Tale”, so that’s something.
To be clear, the overturning of Roe v. Wade is not a victory for all life. States like California and New York will simply make abortion legal until it is legally recognized as a human right. People who wish to kill babies will be allowed to do so. The mere possibility that some lives might be saved is enough for the rabid left to go mad. It is difficult for me to express how horrendous and bizarre this is.
Some encounters outside of the court turned personal. They ranged from funny to frightening as protesters and counterprotesters clashed. This first clip is almost Twitter but in real life.
“Get angry!”
“Cope and seethe, you guys lost”Tensions running high in the crowd gathering at the Supreme Court pic.twitter.com/qHj56oTTH7
— Nate Hochman (@njhochman) May 3, 2022
Pro-choicer yelling at a pro-lifer outside SCOTUS pic.twitter.com/qiqjTGsP2u
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 3, 2022
There are verified Democrat leaders calling for “revolution” via social media. It certainly feels like the left wants to reenact the riots of summer 2020. If they consider everything they don’t like “fascism,” then this justifies almost anything. This is why such rhetoric is so worrying. You would hope that a responsible news media would report on the facts at this point, but instead, they just fuel the fires. It’s going to get worse, so be prepared.