Lancet, once-respected medical journal has attacked a leaked Supreme Court decision. It demands that Roe v. Wade be defended and abortion on-demand in America continue.

“What is so shockingly human and irrational about the Court’s decision is that it bases its decision upon an 18th century document ignorant of 21st century realities for women,” reads the May 14 article from the Lancet’s editorial board titled “Why Roe V. Wade should be protected.” ”

The editors assert that history and tradition have value, but they should be considered only as partial guides. “The law needs to be able to adapt to new and unexpected predicaments and challenges,” declare the editors.

According to the Lancet, “Black women in America have twice as many unintended pregnancies than non-Hispanic White mothers” but fails to mention that American black babies are 3.6 times more likely to be aborted than white babies. He stated that the “most dangerous place” for African Americans was in their womb.

The leading cause of Black death is abortion. It is responsible for more deaths than homicide, and any other diseases, like cancer, heart disease, and homicide.

In fact, only 293 black mothers died in the U.S. by 2020. Every day 800 children of color are still born.

The Lancet editors warn women that if the US Supreme Court rejects Roe, they will fail to end abortion. They will only succeed in ending safe abortion. ”

They censoriously stated that “Alito”, his supporters, would have women’s blood on him.

The Lancet states that safe abortion is essential to women’s well-being and equality. The Lancet also stated that women should have access “an essential package” to sexual and reproductive health services.