The border deputies of President Joe Biden, who are pro-migration, invite another 100,000 migrants to the American society. This puts more pressure on Americans in terms of their ability to earn decent wages or afford good housing.
White House touts the policy of extracting foreign workers to use in the U.S. Economy as a program for “family reunification” even though Congress’s program for parole is only for migrants who are “urgently humanitarian or have a significant public benefit.”
Alejandro Mayorkas (born in Cuba) is Biden’s chief of Homeland Security for pro-migration. He said that the new processes “promote family unity and provide legal pathways compatible with our laws and values”.
Mayorkas said that a new border crossing is necessary because it reduces the incentive for migrants who sneak across the border. “The Department has proved that the expansion and enforcement of safe, lawful, and orderly pathways is effective in reducing dangerous irregular migration into the United States.”
The program allows the 100,000 favored migrants to bypass the waiting line established by Congress’ annual limit on chain migration.
Those nationals living in Colombia, El Salvador Guatemala and Honduras, who have been approved for a [immigration] form I-130 Petition for Alien relative, may be eligible for parole. The qualifying beneficiaries must reside outside of the United States and meet all requirements including screening, vetting, medical requirements and other requirements.
Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies tweeted: “The underlying principle of all these illegal [migration] programmes is that the President gets to decide who and how many foreigners are allowed to move to the US. Congress’s role, however, is to simply define the color the ID cards will be issued to them once they arrive.” “It is an inversion of immigration law.”
Mayorkas will likely increase the inflow of chain migration once the process has been operating. Mayorkas, for example, has raised twice the daily inflows of illegal migrants through the “CBP One”, gateway that allows economic migrants the opportunity to request entry and release from the United States. The daily flow of “CBP One’ migrants is set to 1,450 or approximately 370,000 per annum.
Approximately four million people have signed up for the chain migration. Congress rejected Biden’s bill to speed up chain migration in 2021.
Mayorkas can create a faster process through regulation. This will encourage many more people to apply for the chain migration status.
Mayorkas signed a recent agreement with Colombia, which will help to manage the flow of migrants northward via the dangerous Darien Gap Mountain Trail.
Officials of the Republican Party in each state may bring a lawsuit to stop the chain migration program.
The massive influx of renters, consumers, and workers who are illegal or quasi-legal, brought by Mayorkas, has benefited the economy as well as investors. It has also helped to lower wages for Americans, slow down technological innovation, increase housing costs and cram American K-12 classrooms.
Mayorkas is trying to increase the number of immigrants in the United States. The new gateway is only one part of his plan.
According to a report published by the Center for Immigration Studies on June 23, Mayorkas has reduced the deportation rate of those who overstay their visas.
The Department of Homeland Security has quietly released a long-overdue report on overstays. It shows that in FY2022, more than 850,000 visitors from abroad exceeded their stay authorization. This is likely a record.
Overstayers include 173,000 Venezuelans, 124,000 Mexicans, and 5800 Indians. Most of them return home after a few months, but some stay as illegal long-term migrants.
Mayorkas also allows approximately 30,000 economic migrants to fly to the United States per month after they have requested visas in Haiti or Nicaragua. This inflow brings 360,000 more economic migrants into the country.
Mayorkas also has done little to reverse or stop the influx of approximately 1.5 million migrants, who have sneaked over the border without being recorded by border agents.
Mayorkas’ cross-border flows are on top of the approximately one million legal immigrants and visa workers that Congress has allowed.
Mayorkas allows more than 1.3 millions additional migrants to enter the United States every year, exceeding the levels set forth by Congress.
For every three U.S. born, there are at least two additional migrants.
The federal government has operated a long-standing unpopular economic policy called Extraction Migration. This policy is similar to colonialism, in that it takes large amounts of human resource from countries in need, reduces trade and uses imported workers, consumers, and renters to grow Wall Street.
The inflow of migrants has successfully pushed down American wages, and also increased rents and house prices. In addition, the inflow has forced many native-born Americans to leave their careers in various business sectors. It also contributed to a rise in death rates among poor Americans.
This lethal policy also drains wealth and jobs from the heartland by flooding coastal investors with low-wage workers and high-occupancy tenants, as well as government-subsidized consumers.
The inflow of immigrants also decreases the political power of native-born Americans because it allows the elites to ignore the needs and concerns of the average American.
Mayorkas has said in many speeches that he is creating a system of mass migration to provide workers to wealthy investors and employers, and to give “equity to poor foreigners”. Mayorkas says that the nation’s border law is subordinated to the elite opinion of “the values our country”.
Swing voters are not fond of migration, and in particular labor migration. According to a poll conducted by National Public Radio, a left-of center organization in August 2022, 57 percent of Americans believe Biden allows migrant workers from the southern border into the United States. A 54 percent majority of Americans said Biden is allowing a southern border invasion, according to a poll commissioned by the left-of-center National Public Radio (NPR) in August 2022.