Unfortunately, a new poll shows that the majority of Americans believe to some extent the unscientific climate doom propaganda that has been consistently wrong for half a century. The good news: most Americans still oppose ditching fossil fuels and gas cars altogether.
Pew Research Center released the results of their new survey on 28 June. The media, government, and institutions have continued to pound the narrative despite the fact that climate alarmists’ predictions are consistently wrong and have been proven false for the past 50 years.
- 74% of Americans say they support the country’s participation in international efforts to reduce the effects of climate change.
- 67% of U.S. adults prioritize the development of alternative energy sources such as wind, solar and hydrogen power over increasing the production of fossil fuel energy sources.
In a previous post, I explained how “green” power is not only inefficient but also unprofitable. The “green” option is not a good one. Solar panels and offshore windmills, for example, have killed millions of birds and can be fatal for whales. What about those “green” electric cars (EVs)? The batteries that are used in EVs, which need to be changed every few years, can be very toxic.
Maybe Americans are beginning to understand that:
[Pew] Fewer than half (40%) of the public favors the phase-out of gasoline-powered cars and trucks. The support for this policy has dropped 7 percentage points since two years ago. To illustrate the powerful emotions that big changes in American life can generate, 45% of Americans say they would be upset if gasoline-powered cars were phased down; less than half (21%) said they would be excited.
Do you mean Americans do not want to switch from unreliable electric vehicles that depend on an already stressed grid? You’re kidding!
Pew suggests that Americans believe the story of carbon causing this planet to become a ball on fire. Spoiler alert: It’s not true.
- 76% favor providing a tax credit to businesses that develop carbon capture technologies and 70% support taxing corporations based on their carbon emissions.
- 61% favor requiring power plants to eliminate all carbon emissions by the year 2040
Carbon is essential to life on Earth. This is a simple fact that climate alarmists do not want you aware of. In fact, carbon increases help plants thrive — even food crops. Carbon is essential to all life, whether it’s a plant or an animal. Therefore, reducing carbon drastically could harm humans and destroy crops and plants.
Ireland to require farmers to reduce cattle herds by one-third by 2030 to save planet.
Farmers to reduce carbon footprint through bankruptcy.https://t.co/YyZGxlPLNm
— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) February 7, 2023
A recent study has found that the CO2 emissions of fossil fuels are too low to be responsible for global warming. This information is important, but you won’t find it in mainstream media.
After all these years, it is disappointing to see that so many Americans still believe in climate hoaxes. It is encouraging to see that Americans do not believe the blatant lies about electric cars and fossil fuels.
It is not necessary to give up cars in order to save the world. All of this is a political ploy.