Melania Trump, the former First Lady of the United States, has always been very clever in the way she defends herself against the media and political landscape which constantly punishes her because she married a man that was never meant to be President. Melania Trump has a reputation for maintaining a dignified quiet, but that will soon change with the publication of her autobiography “Melania” next month.

Melania has released short videos in the run-up to the publication. They tease what readers can look forward to. In the latest video, Melania questions the treatment she received by the press when she worked as a model.

In a 45-second video, she explains why she is proud of her nude modeling. The video was posted on her social media accounts Wednesday morning.

The more pressing question, however, is why the media chose to scrutinize the celebration of my human forum that I did in a photo shoot for a fashion magazine. Is it that we are no longer able to appreciate the beauty of the human body?

Funny enough, Melania’s modeling was not a problem for the media until her husband won the Republican nomination in 2016. Up until then, they had happily rubbed elbows with the Trumps and Manhattan’s high society. They never suspected that Donald Trump — gasp! The desire to help the average American was evident. Trump and his spouse had to be demolished for this crime. It’s funny that Melania Trump, who is a far more sophisticated woman than those in the New York/DC media/political corridor now sneering at her, is the one to blame.

Melania’s own words:


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Early on, there were signs that Melania would be treated differently than other first ladies. Fashion designers who are usually keen to dress a prominent figure for exposure refused to work on her. She would not be on any Vogue covers. Seriously? Jill Biden who dresses like a lampshade and like Aunt Edna’s drapery alternates between getting a fashion shoot with Vogue that is praised, but Melania, a former model of five feet ten inches, is blacklisted. What a crazy world.

Melania’s no dummy. She was aware that many of her fashion friends would turn against her. She knew she would never be treated fairly in the media. So she used a strategic approach to fight back and get her message out. She used fashion as a tool to achieve this.

Melania was at her most clever during the presidential debate in October 2016, between Trump and Hillary Clinton. Clinton is a former First Lady. Even if it was a frumpy one. You may remember that Trump had been roasted by the media for something he said years ago in an interview with “Access Hollywood.” Melania showed that she was not intimidated by the furor by wearing a fuchsia Gucci shirt with a pussycat bow.

She said nothing but spoke volumes. That’s often how it’s been with Melania Trump. Until now.

We’re hoping to get her perspective on her time as First Lady, and the treatment she received from the media, in her autobiography.

It will be interesting to see how the media treats Melania Trump compared to Hillary Clinton who has also just released a book. Hillary Clinton will be making her rounds to promote her new book. We’ll be treated to numerous cloying interviews on all news shows, talk shows, late-night shows, newspapers, etc. Melania Trump will also receive the same invitations? Does Melania care if the invitations aren’t sent?

Melania will be released on shelves on October 8, 2024.